Download A Million Dreams by P!nk - The Greatest Showman: Re-imagined Song
Even though it's just on the other side of this wall, the life-filled beauty of Spring feels like it's a million miles away. My head can\u2019t fall deep enough into the pillow and my dozing dreams are strange and distorted. Somehow though, I'm getting used to the pattern of this illness and I'm fairly certain that this too shall pass. I notice that I haven't cried yet today, but with just the turn of a single thought, I could easily go down that path. This morning though, I avoid despair and I choose a more subtle version of sadness, more like disappointment. There are so many things that I'd rather be doing with this Spring morning than staring down the throat of my limitations in a dark room with ME/CFS.
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Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of human_error, [morning meditations], RAW THANKS., Hohenheim's Burden [pt. 9], Hohenheim's Burden [pt. 8], CHEESECAKE, Hohenheim's Burden [pt. 7], Free Up Space, and 6 more. , and , . Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $46.49 USD or more (50% OFF) Send as Gift Share / Embed 1. ghost dog_ 02:00 lyrics buy track We went off the roof widdit,Ghost Dog,Promise where myWit occur results,Swinging for the fencesAnd a pennant/Thats a multitudeOf U-Hauls movingEvery style we invented/Swordsmen without mastersBut they own em/They flocking to the breadcrumbsLike some pigeons,My penance to convince emWho got iller seeds to plant with/The blade work is affixed, I missed the forrest on the left,We mixed the concreteWith the jungle,Got the JuiceAnd droppedLike Bishop/If it ain't rawYou mighta skipped a step/Pour some more belligerence/The discipline is, up, when you, down/Eating chaos like the core of the apple,That was wrought from a stump/Asking questions to a Nimbus Cause its holding in a lot/Got my rain boots waitingBy the greenhouse/say its a go/tending to frostbite when pelted with snow/ why accerelate getting wet up/Let a/ deep breath tell you do better/Lasers pointed/ hilt engaged/ the ronin is fed up/ cut through droplets like feta/Pieces scatter/ shred a, interloper/ shredder vs. Leonardo, pressure/Pent up,Prove the mettle,Mikey in the future,Messed up,Besides staffNone chucked,The sai past eyes,The hand splintered,That's metaWe went off the roof widdit,Ghost Dog,Promise where myWit occur results,Swinging for the fencesAnd a pennant/Thats a multitudeOf U-Hauls movingEvery style we invented/Swordsmen without mastersBut they own em/They flocking to the breadcrumbsLike some pigeons,My penance to convince emWho got iller seeds to plant with/The blade work is affixed, I missed the forrest on the left,We mixed the concreteWith the jungle,Got the JuiceAnd droppedLike Bishop/ 2. early in_ 02:57 lyrics buy track I'm tired of the worryingI'm head up like a erlienThe cheddar coming early andI'm lounging on a beach/Had a laugh for being surlyAnd attempted unconcerningSelf with others motivationsYou do you and I do me/My arms twisted, these palms bend metal, the head gain insight, feel like a onslaught hit you/ high blend fidelity, bonded autonomy with bonsai roots, eyes might move des-pite the plant-glazed glass, ashen rituals sure to stoke flame back, free billows barter with idleness smoked, past the preface of latent ability,Pause on the misuse, corporeal minutia but this time isn't my enemy/ handshakes literal/prose from the mundane purports a natural resourcefulness, as though the world is beautiful enough/ right track, wrong lane/ gear shift on love supreme, Coltrane, all modes in practice trekking Park West so stop askin'/passage over rat shit, head on swivel for the ratchets, ya'll got it backwards, outer leaf of the backwoods, get gutted, lit up off the free pack Ock got me with the matches/ this Nag Champa lavish, tap inThey tepid I step in, uproar is just not ya penchant, too coy for the pond I'm in, wolves wait shoreline for the shift, fishsticks the consequence, campfire embers ominous, I'll bear the bad news, the whole squad is here, keep the syllabus with me for new accomplices,We tokyo Manji widdit and locked the drip/Ready to talk our shit/I'm tired of the worryingI'm head up like a erlienThe cheddar coming early andI'm lounging on a beach/Had a laugh for being surlyAnd attempted unconcerningSelf with others motivationsYou do you and I do me/Broken people poke at peepholes but they distant, energy emissions on low, I can't hold you its been me too since,I split my crudeness and grace equally,Corporations of thievery run duos on battlefields here, we cant have clean hands/ shake myself in front of LCD screens, sync the sound system wit the dialect, dialed in, keep mandalas in the writing hand, balanced/Bold if niggas start wylin,talk my rosetta, you cant translate, clash arms and ya lance break, auspicious suns told me crack light like porcelain dishes, nerves withered through cold winters,Waxy skin stuck to nailing the pickup, you need heat underneath like encaustic, feel nothing, foes slither, parasites and bold opposition sizzle under assault flash frying the slugs salty get off my block/Tired of the worryingI'm head up like a erlienThe cheddar coming early andI'm lounging on a beach/Had a laugh for being surlyAnd attempted unconcerningSelf with others motivationsYou do you and I do me/ 3. antennae foil_ 01:34 lyrics buy track My due diligence a recon mission,Never rode waves, point break,Reveal thy prison,Intel siphoned on the shoreI've hidden while the fortressvanish like a Tepes building/We take cyphers to the literal extent,If you spell cast with usThats a big decision,We be humane witchu til theBells start ringing,Sending all 9 pillarsTo extend our vision,Slowed up wit our Hashira, Thats given, we ignited offContinual misnomers that theyClaim to call àlàáfía,A peace they seek,A stake inside our function/Free clout,Where was the impression,We was doing discounts/Poor approximations,Paltry on the dismount,Dismal, know how leeches get down/ y'all forget the origin permitted us this access, we packed in,Idol consecration not allowedWhere we boundThey too familiarI am not similarWe go to great lengthsTo mind the perimeter/Guts like MiuraWe do fineWith the visceraYa slimeReally lying'And I'm findingIt sinister/Dummies,We was in the dead space,Two-stepping over false proclaimers,Thats a bee line to a neck brace,Best case/Watch you fall to bosses while we make it look easy, we been poised like a Let's Play/Lotus on my chest plate,Everyone a student of this life shit,Equivalent exchange been the best way to get atcha, the garden is lush when we pour into pivotal receipt of respect and respond to what's visible/Peace to my kin,Not a snake where I restThat could leave with its skinThey too familiarI am not similarWe go to great lengthsTo mind the perimeter/Guts like MiuraWe do fineWith the visceraYa slimeReally lying'And I'm findingIt sinister/ 4. callin' me back_ 04:30 lyrics buy track Woke up on the island made of concreteShoulda bet on the debrisCertainly, re-purposedSeen improvement and I know you working, earnestlyCalling me backCalling me backI got a lot to sayOh I got time today x2They said free the robots,Word to Tachikoma,Feel like Iggy,I just caught cogito and my nose stuff/Ergo I get stressed out,Why you think I roll up,Its to lift me,Routine SisyphusI push my boulder/You might need more minutes,Mine do not roll over, we talk one time/I don't need more knots atop my shoulder/The lie they told was closure,We peeped it,Blamed lost control on nanitesLike some mid pack science fictionDon't want that, you keep it/Got red eyes like I'm looking for John Connor and a chopper,Its rigid, my program not for sleeping/Encoded, the notation a secret,But open, the VPN express because the handheld was jail broken/No peeking,These advertisers tryna shape my taste but, they tweaking,These funds exchanged for reasons/I noticed,My dreams when I'm on networkLose meaning/I free up space for more electric sheepBut we not vegan/Im charged up cause I'm eating/Calling me backCalling me backI got a lot to sayOh i got time today x2Tryna chase the sun like Daedalus,Floating over fair-weather fatalists,Engaged to taking space, Invader Zim,Gotta thank my old compatriots,Fault lines don't define where we be shaking shit, the gravity is heavy in the field, when we pop fragile express and spin umbrellas through the breeze, I bet it hit supercalifragilisticexpialidotiously,How you follow up? Hold my beer,Excuse the lapse this absence sticks all plastic motives to assume defeat, who is him/held ceremonious forays away whistling, the scent of sorbet lingering, frosty with a tinge of vitamin C/undermine an immunocompromised expression of exhaust, costly exercises with deadies get shelved cause they been skimming my green/I cooked the chucks, enforced you niggas won't converse with me, my accessibility phase is done and constitution bartered verbiage for consequence, your qualifiers do not work for free, my heart the optimizer/Nakama the energizer pack,Apprentice level alchemist,An out of town IshvalanVying for some ruby tintedfinger jewelry to twistWhen he fidget, truth, truly tried, never set aside for blues,We can coexistCalling me backCalling me backI got a lot to sayOh i got time today x2In a stateOut of stateIn a wayIt was based onWhat you might doTo protect what's yours 5. threadweaving_ 01:46 lyrics buy track Camaraderie couldn't squash the Mephistopheles in you, honestly, the ginsu wasn't sitting properly for me to miss, Niggas syncing styles, cycles like periods, I tire of the predictabilityAnd its frail invocations,Far as I can tellFortune favored us,At the juncture of some bloody tendencies, family made em potent,Trust the deceased more than folks in front of me, used to the duplex, operating on two levels,Learned to adapt like water,Bruce Lee off the brown, yellow leatherjumpsuit like Wolverine/Need a Beatrix for my funeral/Open casketAn odd affirmativeI faded that assessment with my labors born from knavery and lazy tweets,Its something like a gift,I twist the gibberish with grabbaReaching peak apotheosisWith a seat thats very sumptuousAnd pitted on the pointWhich was this/Just cause you got ideasIt dont mean that you're equipped/Quality control,Hold onto yo shit/Cannot be on froze,Too much life to live,And they grin,Plotting how to rob my peaceThose peeps get left x3 6. late summer_ 02:08 lyrics buy track I get real exclusiveIn my late summerCouple honey dipsAnd some great waterThat's some funny shitWhen you take offersAnd ya money liftBut ya game suffersI had love to giveTil I praised suckers,With a succubusI'm a face fucker,Had to stop myselfMade my brain stutter,Who yo occupants,When the rains hover/Same color tee every dayOn my monochromeWhile I sip on the earl gray, neutral/Til the sun set, and my mischief makes my soles move, I got energy to give/Tell me who you wit and what you drink we'll get it sorted, I spent my work day being boring, now we back/I know everyone been sweatingTryna find a newer rhythm,You just found it babyWelcome to our pack/I get real exclusiveIn my late summerCouple honey dipsAnd some great waterThat's some funny shitWhen you take offersAnd ya money liftBut ya game suffersI had love to giveTil I praised suckers,With a succubusI'm a face fucker,Had to stop myselfMade my brain stutter,Who yo occupants,When the rains hoverHold you to the pocket,Act out you exed out,We blessed now, dont block this/I don't fear the losses,If you not on my time, I won't hold you, you got options/Ain't no substitute for what I'm offering,This love come from a deep well,Not processed/And if you don't respond it won't stop us,We are not just vessels for products/Fam I got a house to build,Unless you wanna couch the bill,My time is pretty narrow but I wish you all the best/When I'm on the path less traveled,Don't take arrows to the knee,I got new oceans at my feetAnd someone special by my hip/If my value reaffirmed by how my spirit can adapt, I'll take the scenic route and rest, but I will see you at the end/And new journeys in the name of building futures still remain my one priority in fact, its at the top of the list/I get real exclusiveIn my late summerCouple honey dipsAnd some great waterThat's some funny shitWhen you take offersAnd ya money liftBut ya game suffersI had love to giveTil I praised suckers,With a succubusI'm a face fucker,Had to stop myselfMade my brain stutter,Who yo occupants,When the rains hover 7. rolling_ 01:24 lyrics buy track The denouement spun you like a ferris wheel, life a movie, merry go American/The slick shit do fly,Get it how you get it then,Don't be surprised by what you reap,home grown medicine ain't cheap,If you buy it,Lead a steed through Poland Springs,They never take a drink,Hustle science oversimplified,Barely broken habits still like parasite on feet, but you still grinding/Then the pieces start to click,You get that gallop in ya step,And pick up speed,Folded by thirstYou ignoredHad to fall back,Ask if this pace is for them or for me,Who you gon lead if you don't know self,Or when to slow down/Life do it for you for looking in the gift horse mouth/ round the clock robbed of the ability to just be/Stakes high on the last lapThe next one a doozy/That extra shit you slept wit your own doing, throwing thuzy's out the bed/You read the script dyslexic,Started chasing more instead of manifesting, forget next up, you been this,Swap my OS for whose benefit?Rollout like Golem for whose starting six?/ legends underneath propelled,Pacific rim in the dolo mech,amorphous fixed water energy, the onsen to my back ache, Fuck me eyes under these gold tints rarely pressed, just openWardrobe one color, Super SentaiSquadrons of yellow and pink/ Those my favorite starburst/In the suite where Canis Major bore its fangs the sky opened,Saw a red sun overtake the lowest lane/Alternative to optimists whose home world still remain Nak been a vagabond since before the name switch, vagrant shadow medium to pop out when the world need it then disappear with the smoke clouds/ 8. just speaking_ 05:00 lyrics buy track The faith in me was illusory,a hollow lacked the context for who I used to be/Painted with despair driven hallucinations/Heir to my folly, fair an inheritanceSwapped semi-regular,Changed myself enough to occupy several generations/And the severance wasn't grandiose,The stipends were writing with stainless steel to consult the claim in name,This body will leave a spot or two/Fuck them fancy clothes,Cause reflections feel like robbery,I fought the doppelganger in the fitting room, he folded and that bravado was just an intoxicant/Comrades were the plot armor,A piece forced hardly leveled me,The calm rivaled pax romana/Bubbled in the underbelly fedBy ego fragility and sad reminders/Solemn in the overarching narrative,Passionless and offering more of selfThan worth equated to, that calculation still pending/Propped the neck to hug the stockades like black gloves on a Bronco wheel,Sure I didn't commit it but if I did...The whole world would know the method while these jokes flew/project victimism, heard words minced while these hands red as a barnyard door, boy you need to grow up and stop playing in shit/The smell gon' stick to you,Habitually asking "is you mad" like thats gon fix the mood, your obtuse schtick should be criminal/I know these words won't rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, while I pull my own weight/I wasn't reading signs, but, time,Moving at its own pace/Kept that ugly to myself,Fixed my face up, made some plays/Patience,What's another virtue worth to you,Set reminders, on them off days/Ruins used to move me,Barren pines pricking my upper lip,Led to dubious watering spots,Peppered with chanterelles under brush,Self reliant floral porcupines in terracotta pots, Peyote sensations tripping overstonehenge, wrapped in copper threads/the makeshift antennae wrought oasis, off the earthenware, mirage cascaded bouncing light arrays,Stamped impressions where a desert offered none, uppercuts through vast emptiness/ stacking black materia / pendants full of ashes come express/Its defund Shin-Ra as the impetus then Mako flood affiliates, wider steps retrieving freedom from a Phoenix Down, altogether Ill-advised, those aeronautics need a res/ Orwellian game breakers its us by the plight of a Wright brother, any Orville get Redenbachered, pop go the Wilbur and the script on they teleprompter, we mad as hell affirming populism like Howard Beale/Out the windowFinnicky network links is best concealed,Connects come easy but intent the pearl usurping shells and dancing round some necks, whatever wash adrift I ask the ocean tap me in and let discarded fins go back from whence they came, we might've double parked the ship/Let the dutchman sort the offerings/I know these words won't rhyme, rhyme, rhyme, while I pull my own weight/I wasn't reading signs, but, time,Moving at its own pace/Kept that ugly to myself,Fixed my face up, made some plays/Patience,What's another virtue worth to you,Set reminders, on them off days/The connect evolvedI asé they inshallahMy hot plate got ox-tailThey got japchae,I asked what ock sayMy headphones was onWatching Bollywood outtakesIts the simple thingsLike lessons in love,Its a blessing,You one in a million and more,I'm trying things that I never before,Cause I needed to open some doors,And be ready to board,Didn't have to take a chanceTil I let it go, asking for some more, done refusing green eggs and ham, i need extra scoops, the prices is halal,The lettuce not ripeWe aint sweating flies,service improve all the time,Check us,We went from checkers,To deep diving endeavors,Cross reference colonizers,watch the bedlam,Untouchable,Yeah ill catch ya at the next one,Tryna keep the dope alive,No offense its not for y'all/I know the onus not on us aloneBut we need deep improvement/En-gage with intention,Know its not some second rate philosopher dropping tabs in the woodsWriting romantic novels ripping off HR Geiger, its more holistic/We gotta get narrative straight,Niggas is sci-fi without any make up on,Dramatization change the tone,We wasn't vacant, blind, deaf or dumb,But this insular take on progression is wrong/We striking global accords,Inspiring nations abroadAnd for that reasonWe gotta walk with some couth,Its true/Just to sail the open seas for us,And leave some treasure for you,Let the dutchman sort the offerings/Let the dutchman sort the offerings/Let the dutchman sort the offerings/ 9. re-call_ 01:03 lyrics buy track RecallWhat I saidSame thingKeep calmTake a breathReach farBeyondReach ya'llReach ya'llReach ya'llReach about An express translation of the waking hours' burdens against the opportunity afforded by the residual 24. All due to persistent clacking on these keys, opening doors in far off and secluded spaces.[morning meditations] $(".tralbum-about").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get("tralbum_about"), "more", "less"); credits released July 28, 2021 Nakama on everything. $(".tralbum-credits").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get("tralbum_long"), "more", "less"); license all rights reserved tags Tags hip-hop/rap beats experimental instrumental poetry rap New York Shopping cart subtotal USD taxes calculated at checkout Check out about Nakama. New York, New York